Fractal Finance
"Patterns from Pieces"
Trade With Confidence - "The best way to predict the future is to create it."
We believe that there is a scientific, quantitative way to approach trading. Unfortunately, most traders never learn about these methods or use them. In-fact, most traders and investors have been using the same old indicators to trade the markets for decades.
Just think what trading would be like if you made decisions based on what you should do, rather than what your emotions tell you to do. At Fractal Finance ™, this has been our goal from the beginning. Fractal Finance ™ is the cultivation of years in the markets, and represents dedication committed to building, testing, and trading quantitative tools. We find patterns in the market from the apparently chaotic data reflected in prices, volume, bid/ask landscapes, risk/reward parameters, and multi-dimensional fractal attractor information.
Most of our approach is nonlinear rather than Euclidean. Trading with Euclidean geometry is like measuring a wave with a ruler! It just doesn’t work well. Fractal Finance ™ prefers a nonlinear ruler with many scales and data sets. We believe that a realistic approach to trading is preferable. While we all want to win every trade, trying to do this with old, tired indicators is probably just a waste of time and money. It may work sometimes, but consistency becomes a problem. In our view, it is better to have realistic expectations governed by scientific principles and solid money management. This is what we advocate at Fractal Finance ™.
Fractal Finance ™ is not a system, but it is a source of quantitative trading solutions. As the trading wing of Quant Trade, we provide our clients with information, services, and tools that they can use. Our products are listed below.
Products & Services
You Choose, We Build
Genesis System Builder
One of the biggest problems that system traders face is designing a profitable trading system. After years of building and testing trading systems, we understand this as much as anyone. Our team came together to solve this problem and Genesis is the result.
Genesis is the culmination of our experience coupled with genetic algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) designed to build trading systems. Genesis options are completely selected by you, including risk/reward parameters, favorite indicators, and markets. Genesis builds and tests your system for you.
Experienced & Professional Service
ROXI Managed System
ROXI (Robotic Online eXchange Intelligence) navigates the market just like a sailboat through water. By constantly adjusting to trend motion and strength, ROXI acts like a seasoned sailboat racer. Built with the Fractal Finance ™ F4 predictor, ROXI is intelligent trading made simple. Try our new ROXI services today!
Getting started is easy. We offer several options for trading your live account or a simulated account from Topstep.
Earn a Fully Funded Account
Topstep Trading Accounts
Topstep allows you to trade with very little risk. You start by opening a fully functional simulated trading account without depositing funds. After you prove that you can trade successfully, Topstep will award you with a fully funded trading account!
Another benefit of Topstep is that it interfaces with other trading platforms. This allows you to use Genesis or your favorite system with Topstep.
Sign-up for a Topstep account today and save 20% on your first month's maintenance license. Now you are one step closer to achieving your trading goals.
Membership has its Privileges
Fractal Finance Membership
Our clients run from individual traders to a billion dollar energy firm. In the process, we have designed a variety of different software applications. The latest is our proprietary F4 forecasting algorithm.
In addition to learning about the latest Fractal Finance ™ developments, members can discuss their trade ideas and Genesis applications with each other. We will also engage with members about their ideas and offer some of our own. Additional benefits include an opportunity to participate in our private commodity pool (available soon).