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Fractal Finance Lite - Designed for MotiveWave

Trade With Confidence - "One way to predict the future is to create it. The other way is Fractal Finance"

For years, investors have been using the same old indicators to trade the markets, but now there’s Fractal Finance . The difference is a non-linear approach to market forecasting. Just think what trading would be like if you made decisions based on what you should do, rather than what your emotions tell you to do. This was our goal when we set out to build Fractal Finance . While this may sound like an impossible dream, Fractal Finance was designed with this in mind by incorporating the science of Chaos theory.

By trading with a handful of easy-to-use indicators, you will be able to forecast the market with amazing accuracy. Using this approach, you will be able to trade like institutions do, instead of the mainstream trading herd. In fact, less than 99% of the trading community uses these methods, which is good news for you.









Billions of dollars are made in the markets every day, most of it by big banks and institutions. Their “secret” is a willingness to meet the market on its own terms. This is where opportunity is greatest and risks are minimized.

The problem with “standard indicators” is that they assume markets are random. Anyone who has ever traded for any length of time, knows too well that markets do not act randomly. The reason that contemporary indicators break down is that they are using Euclidean or linear geometry to measure dynamic, natural (man-made) systems. Imagine if you tried to measure an ocean wave with a ruler! As a trader or investor, you are doing the exact same thing when you trade with standard indicators.

Quant Trade has investigated and developed indicators for trading any market using Chaos theory and Fractal analysis. Our indicators employ proprietary algorithms that identify geometric pricing patterns to predict the most likely price moves. Fractal algorithms also predict bid/ask flow, volatility, spreads, and other data.

We have had a lot of client feedback over the years, and most of it centers around fractal indicators. Quant Trade has made these indicators available to certain clients as custom packages. Due to time and development costs, these indicators have been out of reach for most traders. This is the reason we built Fractal Finance.

Fractal Finance Lite includes:

  • Fractal Forecast – Predicts prices with fractals and Chaos theory.

  • Fractal Finance Indicators – Place the Fractal Forecast on any standard indicator to make it “PREDICT”.

  • Fractal Forward Indicator – Forecasts “TREND” strength and direction.

  • Fractal Finance Functions – Allows “YOU” to build custom systems and indicators.

  • Fractal Oscillator – An oscillator developed to forecast price waves.

  • Predictive ADX, Momentum, RSI, and more – Easily built using the Fractal Predictor.

Fractal Finance Lite can be used standalone, or with other indicators and systems. All of the functions are accessible and allow you to build any predictive indicator.

Still need more info? Feel free to flip through our short intro, "What is Fractal Finance." You can also download the PDF version if you prefer.
















The best part is that these tools can be obtained right here. Fractal Finance Lite contains everything you need to meet the market as you should, head-on. For this reason, Fractal Finance Lite can improve both your trading and your life. Get Fractal Finance Lite today! Fractal Finance Lite is available for MotiveWave.

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