Your Go-To Source for Fractal Trading Tools
Trading Products
Fractal Finance has a number of products available for traders. These include the following:
Fractal Finance Trading Tools for MultiCharts and NinjaTrader
The ROXI (Rapid Online eXchange Intelligence) trading system that comes with Fractal Finance
Fractal Finance Lite Trading Tools for MotiveWave
The unique Chaos Barometer for MultiCharts and NinjaTrader (more to come soon)
For years, investors have been using the same old indicators to trade the markets, but now there’s Fractal Finance ™. The difference is a non-linear approach to market forecasting. Just think what trading would be like if you made decisions based on what you should do, rather than what your emotions tell you to do. This was our goal when we set out to build Fractal Finance ™. While this may sound like an impossible dream, Fractal Finance ™ was designed with this in mind by incorporating the science of Chaos theory.